Explore Your Intuition
Sit in the present moment and sense into what is emerging for your healing. Use lines, colours and shapes to express your subconscious mind.
Intuition is the bridge between your conscious and unconscious mind. Your intuition conveys information that you are not yet consciously aware of, and it is imbued with feelings and not logic. An intuitive person will be capable of generating surprising insights without using a logical or rational thinking process.
Intuition comes from your instinct-based subconscious mind. Your intuition comes from your right brain and is connected to the reptilian (instinctive) and limbic (emotional) parts of your brain. This older brain system instinctively senses what feels right and wrong, true and false for you.
Why is it Hard to Access Intuition?
The left side of your brain is logical, slower, analytical, and operates consciously. Most people do trust their intuitive knowing without concrete evidence. Spontaneous intuitive guidance that comes suddenly can be experienced as too scary and risky. Many people, listen to the opinions of others, and go against their intuition to align with the common consensus.
Intuitive painting is a way to practice following through on your intuitive instincts! It also a great practice for learning how to follow your intuition in real life. Following one inner urge after another as you paint will create a symbol representation of what is emerging from your growth edge to be seen. Once you learn to read the deeper symbols from your subconscious mind, you will feel less fear and more courage to live your best life!

Why Would You Want to Paint Intuitively?
Your unhealed emotions, caused by your unaccepted shadow, cloud your intuition. Whenever you let go of your insecurities (through shadow work) you can more freely embrace your intuition. You need intuition to generate an original life that suits you uniquely.
When you do Shadow work, like in Part 1 of this series, you can learn to love and care for the rejected parts of yourself. When you are not so busy trying to repress what feels unacceptable within, it will feel much easier to focus in the present moment. Whenever you are present in the moment, you can access your intuition.
Intuitive painting is a wonderful way to develop acute inner observation needed to increase intuition. All you have to do is a sense inside your body, and ask your intuition to speak to you through lines, colours and shapes.
The intuitive creative exercise today will help you to synchronize both sides of your brain. Synchronizing your right and left brain will greatly amplify your intuition, and open you up to the higher possibilities for your life.