Explore Depth Creativity!

Is your life feeling shallow, distracted, confusing or painful? If so, I invite you to explore three simple but deep intuitive art and writing exercises to help you heal your shadow, amplify your intuition, and access inspiration!

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Free Intuitive Creativity Challenge

If you want to explore three simple, deeply creative ways to heal your past, express your truth, and inspire your future, please join me for this three-part video series!

What's inside?

Intuitive creativity is a powerful way to see what needs to be healed from your past. Explore three expressive art and writing exercises that will help you know what needs to be healed from your past so that you can access your intuition in the present moment and envision a more inspiring future!

I used to have only sporadic access to the depth of my intuition. The unhealed wounds in my past prevented me from using reliable intuition to guide my life.

Tapping into my intuition through spontaneous art and writing has provided me with a reliable way to see and heal my past wounds and to clarify my path toward a more inspiring life.

In this three-day intuitive creativity challenge, I look forward to sharing how you can creatively see the wounds that need to heal to envision and take action toward your most inspiring life! I hope you will join me!

With love,


Psychotherapist and Expressive Arts Educator

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Depth Creativity Workshop #1 

Explore Your Unconscious Mind - Your Shadow

In this workshop, we will explore your unconscious mind, which hides the shadow parts of you that feel insecure, unacceptable, emotionally needy, ashamed or rejected through a simple form of intuitive collage.

Psychoanalyst Carl Jung believed that the Shadow could provide profound insight about the missing pieces of our character, and it could be damaging to our lives if not seen, acknowledged and integrated.

Repression, or the failure to embrace your Shadow, creates psychological distress. And your Shadow cannot be destroyed. Even if it is deeply repressed into the dark basement of your psyche now, it will press up to the surface at some point in your life to create havoc, so it must be healed.


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Depth Creativity Workshop #2 

Explore Your Subconscious Mind - Your Intuition

Intuition is the invisible bridge between your conscious and unconscious mind. Your intuition conveys information that you are not consciously aware of, and it is imbued with feelings. Therefore, a highly intuitive person will be capable of generating surprising insights without using a logical or rational thinking process.

Intuition comes from your instinct-based subconscious mind. Your intuition comes from your right brain and is connected to the reptilian (instinctive) and limbic (emotional) parts of your brain. This older brain system instinctively senses what feels right and wrong, true and false for you.

In this workshop, we will be exploring how to symbolize the information that is emerging from your growth edge, and how you can learn to read your inner symbols through intuitive painting!


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Depth Creativity Workshop #3 

Explore Your Superconscious Mind - Your Inspiration

Your superconscious mind encompasses a level of awareness that sees beyond your material reality and taps into ideas that are inspiring! Inspiration lives in “the space between your thoughts”. And, while we need logical thoughts to navigate our human lives, it is in the gap between our thoughts where inspiration lives.

The superconscious is also where your highest creativity is found. Expressions of inspired creativity are different from the creativity that comes from your unconscious and subconscious minds. The unconscious and subconscious minds aim to help us to heal through adversity and navigate a fully functional human life.

The superconscious is where the greatest works of art, music, prose, poetry, scientific discoveries, and profound spiritual experiences are found. Profound healing of physical ailments can also take place in this inspired state.

In this workshop, we will explore an intuitive writing exercise to help you tap into higher inspiration and a greater vision for your life!


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Free Depth Creativity Mini-Series

Tap into your intuition to find out what is stuck in the past and learn how to move forward with true inspiration!