Spiritual Ascension

Your soul is expressed through your heart, and your personality is expressed through your mind. Spiritual ascension begins when you integrate your head with your heart.

Your Soul Comes Through Your Heart

Your life purpose, in a general sense, is to integrate your personality with your soul. When your personality takes direction from your heart (through your intuition), your soul can creatively express itself in your human life.

Intuition is your soul's native language. Typically, it can take many years to identify the differences between your personality's and soul's language. Learning your soul's language requires pausing often, dropping into your heart, and waiting for intuitive guidance.

Your Personality Shadow

Most people are caught up in the distractions of the physical world. They think and act solely according to their conditioned human personality.

When your personality is running your life, you will feel devoid of meaning and purpose. Without a solid connection to your heart, you will also feel vulnerable to negative energies such as jealousy, spite, vindictiveness, and cruelty.

Without your soul flowing steadily through your human personality, you can attract life experiences that are destructive, shocking, and even abusive. This creates discord, misalignment and shame in the personality.

Negative life experiences accumulate in your shadow. This is because your personality hides what is embarrassing. At first, your personality does not want to take responsibility for your choices. For this reason, there are lots of unlearned life lessons hiding in the shadows!

The Shadow Needs Love and Understanding

It is possible to wallow in the shadow for years, convinced that you are a bad person, have terrible luck, or that life is out to get you. The unhealed shadow thinks life is cruel, and it projects and attracts meanness. It is sobering to recognize the cruelty in ourselves and others when we become disconnected from our hearts.

The good news is that your soul can heal your human personality. You can comfort your anxiety, embarrassment, and shame by turning toward what feels painful inside with the warmth of your own loving heart.



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