A Pause Practice
"The work of magic is this, it breathes, and every breath transforms reality."
~ Rumi
It is easy to stay wrapped up in conditioned thinking and feeling habits, so pausing can help you to step outside your "normal self" for a few moments.
Buddhist teacher Pema Chödrön offers a wonderful pause practice to bring more magic into your day. You can use this simple technique anytime you need a break from your habitual thoughts and emotional patterns.
Here is the Pause Practice:
1. When you are stuck in a negative pattern, take a moment to step outside your conditioned cocoon by taking three conscious breaths. Breathe in through your nose and breathe out through your mouth.
2. Drop the storyline you normally follow. Receive and absorb your surroundings for a few moments. Feel the sacredness, stillness, and magic in your life right now.
3. Do this simple practice 1-3 times a day to reconnect with the immediacy of your experience. You can also do this pause practice anytime to create a gap in your thinking.
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